Monthly Archives: September 2024

Where’s The Blood?

Some time ago I was holding Gospel meetings in San Francisco and several times addressed the Jews Attending a Mission to Israel. On one occasion, having concluded my discourse, the meeting was thrown open for discussion with any Hebrew who … Continue reading

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Mashiach Yashua – Yah Shuah

Yah – God Shuah – Saves Yah Shuah – God Saves Mashiach Yah Shuah – Messiah God Saves Views: 1

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Answering the Jewish Objections to Jesus

Answering the Jewish Objections to Jesus Kindle Edition by Michael L. Brown An honest, fair, and thorough discussion of the issues raised in Jewish Christian apologetics, covering thirty-five objections on general and historical themes. Views: 0

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In the beginning was the Word

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 All things came to be through him, and without him nothing made had … Continue reading

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Keep Looking UP !!!

MASHIACH He WAS, He IS, And He IS to Come The Time is very close to the End of the Age. Be Careful and Watch the events happening on this Earth. The Signs are there. I Pray for You My … Continue reading

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The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53 is part of the Tanach and therefore G-d’s word.   Views: 0

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Did You Know HaShem will seal a New Covenant?

In the Tanakh In Jeremiah Chapter 31 Verse 30 HaShem Says He will seal a new Covenant with Israel (30) Behold, days are coming – the word of HASHEM – when I will seal a new covenant with the House … Continue reading

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Yom Kippur

This Yom Kippur will you find peace in your soul? Rabbi Jochanan Ben Zaccai’s dying words: “When Rabban Jochanan Ben Zaccai now lay languishing, his scholars came to visit him: whom he seeing  began to weep. To whom they said, … Continue reading

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Mashiach is Salvation (Yeshua)\ Mashiach Yeshua is the only answer to your salvation. His Blood was shed for the atonement of sin. Hosea 13:4 Yet I am HaShem thy G-d from the land of Egypt; and thou knowest no G-d but … Continue reading

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He is THE Judge

MASHIACH IS THE JUDGE All it takes is ONE sin. Ever disobeyed your parents? That’s one, BINGO, your done, blotted out of His book. Totally separated from your Creator. Which means Torment forever. Are YOU listening? Listen closely to His … Continue reading

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