He IS,


He IS to Come


The Time is very close to the End of the Age.

Be Careful and Watch the events happening on this Earth.

The Signs are there.

I Pray for You My Brothers, that Your Eyes and Ears would be OPENED

Opened to G-d’s Truth, Seek and you Will find,

Ask and He will Reveal His Truth to You.


One sin is all it takes to create an infinite distance between you and G-d.

Without G-d’s Salvation there is NO way for ANY person to bridge that infinite distance.

You have everything that G-d has provided, except one thing and that one thing is not possible to have under Judaism since there is no Temple, there is no Altar, therefore there is no blood to cover sin. God said “When I see the blood, I will pass over you”.

Leviticus 17:11 says “For the soul of the flesh is in the blood; and I have assigned it for you upon the altar to provide atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that atones for the soul”. Tanach – Stone Edition

Without the blood the wages of sin is death for the law was given to show what sin is. With the written word comes death for it is impossible for sinful men to keep every law. But, the Spirit gives life.

God has provided that blood, the blood of Mashiach Yeshua whose blood was shed on the Cross to atone for sin once and for all for those who confess they are sinners,  who ask for forgiveness and accept Mashiach Yeshua as their Messiah. For it is His blood that was shed for atonement.

For it is said in the Brit Chadasha: 
6 ¶ He has even made us competent to be workers serving a New Covenant, the essence of which is not a written text but the Spirit. For the written text brings death, but the Spirit gives life.
7 Now if that which worked death, by means of a written text engraved on stone tablets, came with glory – such glory that the people of Isra’el could not stand to look at Moshe’s face because of its brightness, even though that brightness was already fading away — 
8 won’t the working of the Spirit be accompanied by even greater glory?
9 For if there was glory in what worked to declare people guilty, how much more must the glory abound in what works to declare people innocent!
10 In fact, by comparison with this greater glory, what was made glorious before has no glory now.
11 For if there was glory in what faded away, how much more glory must there be in what lasts.
12 ¶ Therefore, with a hope like this, we are very open –
13 unlike Moshe, who put a veil over his face, so that the people of Isra’el would not see the fading brightness come to an end.
14 What is more, their minds were made stonelike; for to this day the same veil remains over them when they read the Old Covenant; it has not been unveiled, because only by the Messiah is the veil taken away.
15 Yes, till today, whenever Moshe is read, a veil lies over their heart.
16 “But,” says the Torah, “whenever someone turns to ADONAI, the veil is taken away.”
17 Now, “ADONAI”in this text means the Spirit. And where the Spirit of ADONAI is, there is freedom. Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

Where will you spend Eternity?

Your Choice, Good works can never erase our sins.

Only Mashiach Yeshua paid for sin by His blood.

Salvation is by faith alone lest any man should boast.

The faith In Mashiach Yeshua who alone atoned for sin.

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